Basic Adult Education class in Kemi Lyceum.

Courses for Immigrants

Basic adult education is offered at Kemi Lyceum. Courses are open to young people and adults who do not have a school leaving certificate or who want to improve their skills in the Finnish language or other basic education subjects.

The free Suomi tutuksi (‘get to know Finland’) course is intended for immigrants following an integration plan.

There are several courses that teach students to read and write, as well as offer support during the process of adaptation to the Finnish society. The course is also suitable for those that learn Finnish slower.

Kivalo College organises literacy training for adult immigrants. The courses are aimed at immigrants that cannot read or write, and those who are not familiar with the European alphabet for example.

In order to enrol, students must be following an integration plan, and the need for literacy training must be registered in that plan. The courses include studies in literacy and the Finnish language, as well as various practical tasks, such as the opportunity to participate in course activities offered by the college.

Immigrants also receive support from the Maahanmuuttajien Ohjaamo service, provided by Toivola-Luotolan Setlementti.